Contact Info

Todd Schultz, PhD

Professor Emeritus, School of Computer & Cyber Sciences


Phone: 678-787-3186

LinkedIn Profile

Contact Me

Contact information is at right and Microsoft Teams is a good contact point if you are with Augusta University or use the form below.



Who is Todd Schultz?

It is always interesting to Ask Bing "Who is Todd Schultz?" and see the variety of hive mind answers to the question; my own results used to be more prominent. But you can shortcut to a copy of my vita (not frequently updated).

A quote I discovered from Albert Einstein helps me summarize my approach to work: "Seek not to be a success but, rather, to be of value." I am very grateful to have had and continue in a career in which I have significantly enjoyed both.

In a pinch, this is my current bio-blurb-of-less-than-100-words:

Todd Schultz is Professor Emeritus with Augusta University's School of Computer & Cyber Sciences. His academic background includes a doctorate in operations research -- or analytics in today's vernacular -- but his research interests and practical experience of over 40 years are in quantitative programming, enterprise software, database, and business intelligence as an independent consultant and with firms such as American Management Systems and Ernst & Young Management Consulting Services. He retired in 2017 after thirty years on the faculty but maintains a part time role with the school.