20 pts - Questions from Chapter 1 of Data Management by Richard Watson
Download the Word document WatsonCh01Quiz which contains questions taken from Chapter 1 of Data Management (Watson). Answer the questions in the downloaded document and attach your completed copy of the Word document to this assignment in D2L.
30 pts - One Entity SQL Examples
Review Exercise 1 from Data Management (Watson) Chapter 3 (bottom of p. 73 in the pdf).
Using SQL Server
Ref: Instructor video: First steps with SQL Server Management Studio | Notes
Ref: Instructor video: First steps with sqlcmd for SQL Server | Notes
Using SQL Server (either SQL Server Management Studio or the sqlcmd command line) on the course remote desktop VM, create a database named {JagNetID}TP00 where {JagNetID} is your campus login (i.e., your @augusta.edu email address before the @ sign) so tschultzTP00 would my database name. In the TP00 database create tables Aircraft, Car, Restaurant and Cow which implement data models for the entities described in the exercise. Ensure that each table has an identifier (aka primary key) established from one of the attributes (aka columns) that would be unique for each instance (aka record or row) of the entity (aka table). Use varchar(50) for this exercise if you are uncertain about what type to use for a column. Populate each table with at least 3 sample records but do not worry if data (e.g., vehicle ID numbers, phone numbers, restaurant names) actually exist
Using MySQL
Ref: Instructor video: First steps with MySQL Workbench | Notes
Ref: Instructor video: First steps with MySQL command line | Notes
Using MySQL (either MySQL Workbench or the MySQL command line) on the course remote desktop VM, create a database named {JagNetID}tp00 where {JagNetID} is your campus login in lowercase (i.e., your @augusta.edu email address before the @ sign) so tschultztp00 would my database name (as a default, MySQL requires database, table and column names to be lowercase). In the tp00 database create tables Aircraft, Car, Restaurant and Cow which implement data models for the entities described in the exercise. Ensure that each table has an identifier (aka primary key) established from one of the attributes (aka columns) that would be unique for each instance (aka record or row) of the entity (aka table). Use varchar(50) for this exercise if you are uncertain about what type to use for a column. Populate each table with at least 3 sample records but do not worry if data (e.g., vehicle ID numbers, phone numbers, restaurant names) actually exist.
Results of these tasks can be evaluated in the VM so no need to upload anything to D2L.