AIST3610 TechPrac00 Specs

  1. 25 pts - Reflection on Microsoft Solutions Framework Principles & Mindsets

    Ref: Microsoft Solutions Framework Overview sections Introduction, Foundational Principles, and Mindsets

    In a Word document you name MSFReflection.docx develop a 5 paragraph essay of 1-to-2 pages where

    • The first paragraph describes the Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) and briefly explains its utility in the software analysis, design, and deployment process.
    • The second and third paragraphs highlight two different MSF Foundational Principles, providing a brief description of the principle and an example (from your own experience or hypothetical) of how the principle might help in (large, team-oriented) software development projects.
    • The fourth and fifth paragraphs highlight two different MSF Mindsets, providing a brief description of the principle and an example (from your own experience or hypothetical) of how the principle might help in (large, team-oriented) software development projects.

    Attach the completed MSFReflection.docx to this assignment in D2L.

  2. 25 pts - Intro to Business Process Modeling Notation

    1. Using Visio (e.g., in the course VM) reproduce the example BPMN diagram from (Visio) BMPN Diagramming Basics naming the Visio file DemoBPMN.vsdx and attaching a copy to this assignment in D2L. Note:  The BPMN 2.0 in Microsoft Visio document better describes how to get the BPMN template in Visio 2016 (what's in the course VM) than do the videos (designed for Visio 2010); once you have the template both versions work the same.

    2. Develop a BPMN diagram in Visio named TPProc.vsdx that describes how TechPracs are managed in this course (and attach a copy to this assignment in D2L when done). There is a wide variety of good diagrams for this but your version should include

      1. A pool for Instructor and a pool for Student.
      2. The instructor pool (with, probably, one swim lane) should include tasks Develop TP (i.e., come up with the crazy tasks in the first place), Post TP (articulate the tasks and make them available online), Manage TP (field student questions and polite identifications of typos or gaps), and Grade TP.
      3. The student pool (again, probably one swim lane) should include tasks Study TP (i.e., consume the content as outlined in agenda), Prep TP (i.e., complete the tasks outlined, asking questions or doing research as needed), Complete TP (i.e., place / upload assets where they are needed), and Assess TP (i.e., look at grade & evaluation comments and, if needed, communicating with the instructor about questions or issues).
      4. Of course, appropriate message flows and sequence flows are needed.