AIST3610 TechPrac03 Specs

  1. 50 pts - System A&D Quiz 3

    Visit this course in D2L and complete quiz SADCh03 by the due date / time for this assignment. This quiz takes its questions from Chapter 3 System Analysis & Design and will be a subset of questions in Chapter 3 Quiz Study Guide.

  2. 25 pts - Brief about Requirements

    Review Questions 4 thru 6 from the end of System A&D Ch03. Also review the MSF which includes definitions of different types of requirements. Develop a 1 to 2 page singe-spaced executive briefing which

    1. Describes what requirements are -- in general -- in a system development project.
    2. Describes user, business, system, operations, functional, and non-functional requirements
    3. Uses Desire2Learn as an example system to provide an example of each of the types of requirements described above.

    Name your document RequirementsOverview.docx and attach it to this assignment in D2L.

  3. 25 pts - Interview Preparation

    In a document you name LMSInterview.docx prepare a list of 10 questions you would ask if you were interviewing students, instructors, and academic administrators about their use and improvement of the Desire2Learn learning management system. There should be at least 3 questions for each group and, for each group, at least one close-ended, one open-ended, and one probing question. Be sure the questions are labeled by group (student, instructor, administrator) and type (closed-ended, open-ended, probing). After each question provide a brief rationale for asking the question (e.g., what might it reveal, how could it help develop requirements.

    Finally, choose one group (students, instructors, administrators) and outline how you would plan for the interview (e.g., how would interviewees be invited? would you get them the questions ahead of time? ... how? Would you do single or multiple-person interviews? ... why? How formally would you conduct the interview? ... why? How would you follow-up after the interviews?) Also describe how you might apply one heuristic for reducing ambiguity in your questions and your interviewees' responses (see, e.g., (Video) Requirements and Ambiguity | PowerPoint | 1 page summary from class content).

    Attach the completed document to this assignment in D2L.

  4. 25 pts - Identifying Requirements

    Review Your Turn: 3-1 Identifying Requirements from the SAD text. In a document you name RequirementsID.docx answer the two questions at the end of the problem. In your answers it is fine to refer to the requirements by their numbers 1 thru 10 but don't forget to include two additional (hypothetical) examples of your own for each type (functional, nonfunctional) of requirement. Attach the completed document to this assignment in D2L.