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Windows Server 2022 Datacenter* install .iso + product key from Software in Microsoft Azure Education (use your credentials for authentication).
*The same install .iso works for both Standard and Datacenter versions of Windows Server but VMware may install Datacenter regardless of what version is chosen when building the VM. Maybe get keys for both versions while you are in Azure.
Critical alert for Windows PC users: Do not double-click this downloaded .iso and then double-click setup.exe when this virtual drive is opened. This will start an install of Windows Server over your current operating system. See guidance below for using this .iso to create Windows Server virtual machines (VMs) using VMware Workstation.
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sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' FILENAME
FILENAME is the name of the file having problems). Preliminaries & Comments
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I provide some code below which may help if task TechPrac03.IV.5 where you fill the output buffer with asterisks seems impenetrable. This program does nothing but output the asterisks and you can use / modify it if you want at the appropriate place in your assembler code:
; Fill output buffer (OB) with stars
MOV B, 0xE8 ; OB start loc to Reg B
Star: MOV [B], '*' ; Put * in reg B memloc
INC B ; increment reg B memloc
CMP B, 0x00 ; past end of buffer?
JNE Star ; if not add extra star
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TechPrac04.II.A Errata: Adding Users
When I recorded the video that accompanies this exercise -- (Video) Using basic authentication for web sites in IIS -- I happened to be on a computer that had Active Directory (AD) installed and when I add a user I used Active Directory Users and Groups. Our Windows servers don't have AD so continue to add users the way we have all term (e.g., see Adding Users scrolling down to the section Windows Server without Active Directory). Sorry for any confusion; Active Directory is not required for this task.
TechPrac04.III.B.7 MySQL Log Errata
Recent versions of MySQL changed default logging levels, so to get MySQL log to catch the bad login use the following from a Linux terminal to get into MySQL, change the logging level, exit MySQL and then try the bad login which should show up in the log.
sudo mysql
set global log_error_verbosity = 3;
mysql # should be access denied
sudo tail /var/log/mysql/error.log -n 1 # should show in log
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TechPrac04.II.A Errata: Adding Users
When I recorded the video that accompanies this exercise -- (Video) Using basic authentication for web sites in IIS -- I happened to be on a computer that had Active Directory (AD) installed and when I add a user I used Active Directory Users and Groups. Our Windows servers don't have AD so continue to add users the way we have all term (e.g., see Adding Users scrolling down to the section Windows Server without Active Directory). Sorry for any confusion; Active Directory is not required for this task.
TechPrac04.III.B.7 MySQL Log Errata
Sorry for any confusion but in reshuffling some assignment tasks I have TP04.III about logs before TP04.V about installing MySQL in Ubuntu. Task TP04.III.B.7 asks you to look at your MySQL log which won't be there unless you complete TP04.V first. Just something that slipped past me in prepping this term's work.
Recent versions of MySQL changed default logging levels, so to get MySQL log to catch the bad login use the following from a Linux terminal to get into MySQL, change the logging level, exit MySQL and then try the bad login which should show up in the log.
sudo mysql
set global log_error_verbosity = 3;
mysql # should be access denied
sudo tail /var/log/mysql/error.log -n 1 # should show in log
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sudo nano /var/www/html/.htaccess
AuthType None
Require all granted
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sudo nano /var/www/html/.htaccess
AuthType None
Require all granted
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