25 pts - Operating Systems Q&A VIII
Visit this course in D2L and complete Quiz08 by the due date / time for this assignment.
25 pts - Create & Partition Drives
Ref: (Notes) Add Drive to VM, Configure New Windows Disk, Configure New Ubuntu Disk
Use the notes above to add and configure a new hard disk drive in your
Windows Server VM giving the drive a new letter. Create a file named Demo.txt
with This is some text.
as content in the root folder of the new
drive. In a command window show a directory listing of files in the new drive's
root folder and to list the contents of the Demo.txt file. Get a screen cap of
the command window results, name it WinDrive.jpg (or other image format), and
attach it to this assignment in D2L.
Use the notes above to add and configure a new hard disk drive in your
Ubuntu VM, creating a volume mounted as a new directory named NewVolume. Create a file named Demo.txt
with This is some text.
as content in the root of the new
directory. In a terminal window show a directory listing of files in the new directory's
root folder and to list the contents of the Demo.txt file. Get a screen cap of
the terminal window results, name it LinDrive.jpg (or other image format), and
attach it to this assignment in D2L.
(25 pts) Establish Windows Server Active Directory
Ref: (Guide) Create Windows Server 2012 Domain Note: this document describes creating a domain named Virtual.net but your assignment below is to create one named Aist3720.net; also, the mechanics are the same in Windows Server 2019
Create a copy (a linked clone recommended) of your Windows Server naming it (in VMware) something xxxxWS1a (where xxxx are the first four letters of your JagNet ID so mine would be tschWS1a). This way if something goes significantly wrong, the clone can be deleted and the task restarted from scratch Ref: (Note) Creating a linked clone VM
Install Active Directory and establish a domain named Aist3720.net on your xxxxWS1a Windows Server VM. When completed, use Server Manager | Local Server to show the computer and domain name; make a screen cap, save it as MyDomain.jpg [for example] and attach it to this assignment in D2L.
25 pts - Backups in Ubuntu
Ref: (Guide) Ubuntu 22.04 System Backup & Restore
Note: It may help to have completed item II above first and using the new system device as destination for the backup, but this is not a requirement; using the original sda1 may result in a warning about low disk space but the backup should fit on this disk.
Follow the referenced guide to install Timeshift app. For this exercise I recommend using the GUI and for setup, accepting defaults except choosing the new device (if TP08.II above has been completed) for the backup's location [for example] and unchecking all boxes on the Select Snapshot Levels page [for example] since our server isn't running continuously.
Then complete the following:
This is important text.
Name the screen cap from step 4 above LinBkp.jpg (or other image format) and attach it to this assignment in D2L.
25 pts - OS Topic Brief
Choose one of the items below, do some research (e.g., start with our OS Concepts Essentials text), and write a brief intro and description of the topic as it relates to operating systems. Your submission should be roughly 1 page single-spaced, maybe 3-4 paragraphs. Think of this as something that a potential employer would ask you to do to bring to an interview to explain a concept.
Name your document OSBrief.docx and attach a copy to this assignment in D2L.