AIST3720 TechPrac04 Specs

  1. 25 pts - Operating Systems Q&A IV

    Visit this course in D2L and complete Quiz04 by the due date / time for this assignment.

  2. (25 pts) Web Page Basic Authentication

    1. Windows IIS Version

      Ref: (Video) Using basic authentication for web sites in IIS

      TechPrac04.II.A Errata: Adding Users: When I recorded the video that accompanies this exercise -- (Video) Using basic authentication for web sites in IIS -- I happened to be on a computer that had Active Directory (AD) installed and when I add a user I used Active Directory Users and Groups. Our Windows servers don't have AD so continue to add users the way we have all term (e.g., see Adding Users scrolling down to the section Windows Server without Active Directory). Sorry for any confusion; Active Directory is not required for this task.

      In your VMware xxxxWS1 Windows Server VM complete the following system administration tasks:

      1. Add user a account BAUser using, e.g., Pass@word1 for the password
      2. Create a web site directory named BASite which includes one page named BAPage.html (with some content, e.g., Welcome to BAPage!) and applies Basic Authentication.
      3. Apply Basic Authentication to BASite and arrange it so BAUser can visit the the site (by providing login credentials)
      4. Use a fresh browser window to visit http://localhost/BASite/BAPage.html where you should be challenged for credentials; enter BAUser login and password but before proceeding get a screen cap which includes the url and authentication window naming it IISBA1.jpg (or other image format).
      5. After authentication get a screen cap of the landing page including the url it IISBA2.jpg (or other image format).

      Attach the two screen caps to this assignment in D2L.

    2. Linux Apache Version

      Ref: (Video) Using basic authentication for web sites in Apache | Notes Note: Copying and pasting from a pdf into nano in a Linux terminal can sometimes bring invisible characters which foul up the configuration files; you are better off carefully typing in the configurations.

      In your VMware Ubuntu Server VM with Apache web server installed, complete the following system administration tasks:

      1. Create a web site (i.e., new directory) named BASite which includes one page named BAPage.html (with some content, e.g., Welcome to BAPage!)
      2. Create a web user account BAUser with, e.g.,  pass@word1 for the password.
      3. Apply Basic Authentication to the BASite directory and arrange it so BAUser can visit the the site
      4. Use a fresh browser window to visit http://localhost/BASite/BAPage.html where you should be challenged for credentials; enter BAUser login and password but before proceeding get a screen cap which includes the url and authentication window naming it ApacheBA1.jpg (or other image format).
      5. After authentication get a screen cap of the landing page including the url naming it ApacheBA2.jpg (or other image format).

      Attach the two screen caps to this assignment in D2L.

  3. 25 pts - System Log Intro

    1. Windows Version

      Ref: (Video) Windows events log

      1. Begin a Word document WinLogs.docx to hold results for this exercise.
      2. In your xxxxWS1 VM use the event viewer to show recent Application events and Security events, adding two screen caps (one for each log) to WinLogs.docx.
      3. In the Application Events log, find a recent error and copy the error details into WinLogs.docx below the screen caps from Step 2. Below the error details in WinLogs.docx describe what this error means from your research and investigation (e.g., web search).
      4. Create a Windows PowerShell script ExtractRecentLogs.ps1 which retrieves the last 20 entries in the Application and Security event logs. The log entries should be merged and saved in a single .csv file named RecentLogsExtract.csv when run. For some suggestions for completing this:
        1. Research the Get-Eventlog PowerShell cmdlet
        2. Note that Get-Eventlog has an optional parameter -Newest n which will return only the most recent n entries from a log
        3. Note that two result sets can be merged by concatenating with the + operator (e.g., (Get-Eventlog ...) + (GetEventlog ...)
        4. Note that results can be piped from one expression (e.g., the merging of results) into another (e.g., Export-Csv) using |
        5. Note there is a cmdlet Export-Csv which can accept piped input and which can identify an output path via the -Path parameter
        Copy your ExtractRecentLogs.ps1 script lines and RecentLogsExtract.csv results into your WinLogs.docx document.

      Attach your WinLogs.docx to this assignment in D2L.

    2. Linux Version

      TechPrac04.III.B.7 MySQL Log Errata

      1. Sorry for any confusion but in reshuffling some assignment tasks I have TP04.III about logs before TP04.V about installing MySQL in Ubuntu. Task TP04.III.B.7 asks you to look at your MySQL log which won't be there unless you complete TP04.V first. Just something that slipped past me in prepping this term's work.

      2. Recent versions of MySQL changed default logging levels, so to get MySQL log to catch the bad login use the following from a Linux terminal to get into MySQL, change the logging level, exit MySQL and then try the bad login which should show up in the log.

        sudo mysql
        set global log_error_verbosity = 3;
        mysql # should be access denied
        sudo tail /var/log/mysql/error.log -n 1 # should show in log

      Ref: (Video) A quick look at Linux log files

      Do this exercise in your xxxxLS1 VM with Apache and MySQL both installed. Begin a document named LinLogs.docx; as you complete the steps below add the nine screen caps requested into the document:

      1. In a terminal window use the Linux logger command to add an entry to syslog containing something like the following

        I am Todd Schultz and I am surviving AIST3720!

        where you use your own name and can adjust the message about AIST3720 if you want (no screen cap needed).
      2. Use the built-in Logs GUI application to search all logs for your name (which should find the log entry you created). Add a screen cap of the result to your document [example].
      3. In a terminal window use the clear command and then use a grep command to find all syslog entries which included your name (hint: remember the logs are in /var/log). Add a screen cap to your document [example].
      4. In a terminal window use the clear command and then use a tail command to list the last lines of auth.log. Add a screen cap to your document [example].
      5. In a terminal window use the clear command and then use a grep command to find all auth.log entries which included sudo but pipes the results into tail to show just the last ten entries, adding a screen cap to your document. [no example, figure this out]
      6. Start FireFox and try to link to http://localhost/NoSuchFile. Then display the last lines of the Apache access.log (e.g., Log File Viewer or Terminal | tail), grabbing a screen cap which you add to your document. Also display all Apache access.log entries that show a 404 error (e.g., find in Log File Viewer or Terminal | grep), grabbing a screen cap which you add to your document.
      7. (See Note above) In a terminal window try to start MySQL without sudo or entering a bad password when prompted. Then display the last lines of the MySQL error log (e.g., Log File Viewer or Terminal | tail), grabbing a screen cap which you add to your document. Also display all MySQL error.log entries that show a "Access denied" (e.g., find Log File Viewer or Terminal | grep), grabbing a screen cap which you add to your document.

      Add the completed LinLogs.docx document to this assignment in D2L.

  4. (25 pts) Establish SQL Server in Windows Server

    Ref: (Video) SQL Server Quick Start

    Ref: (Guide) SQL Server in Windows

    In your xxxxWS1 server install SQL Server using options suggested in (Guide) SQL Server in Windows. Use sqlcmd to create the demoDB database with Member table and work with adding, updating and deleting records as described in the guide. Add yourself to the Member table using any MbrID not already taken, your JagNet ID (e.g., mine is tschultz) for NickName, and 32.70 as your balance.

    In addition create a table named Activity with columns ActID (integer, nulls not allowed), Description (varchar(50), nulls not allowed), and Cost (decimal(8,2) defaulting to 0.00) setting ActID as primary key for the table. Add records for activity 911 with description 'Doing IT (incredible things)' which costs 0.01 and for activity 1066 'Battle of Hastings' costing 10.66.

    When the tasks above are complete exit sqlcmd, issue cls (to clear the screen), re-enter sqlcmd and issue following in the sqlcmd console; grab a screen cap of results named SQLServer.jpg (or other image format) that you attach to this assignment in D2L.

    use demoDB;
    select substring(table_name,1,10) as TabName,
    	substring(column_name,1,10) as ColName,
    	substring(data_type,1,10) as ColType,
    	substring(column_default,1,10) as DefValue,
    	is_nullable from information_schema.columns;
    select * from Member;
    select * from Activity;
  5. (25 pts) Establish MySQL in Linux

    Ref: (Video) MySQL Quick Start

    Ref: (Guide) MySQL in Ubuntu

    In your xxxxLS1 server install MySQL using options suggested in (Guide) MySQL in Ubuntu. Use the MySQL client to create the demoDB database with Member table and work with adding, updating and deleting records as described in the guide. Add yourself to the Member table using any MbrID not already taken, your JagNet ID (e.g., mine is tschultz) for NickName, and 32.70 as your balance.

    In addition create a table named Activity with columns ActID (integer, nulls not allowed), Description (varchar(50), nulls not allowed), and Cost (decimal(8,2) defaulting to 0.00) setting ActID as primary key for the table. Add records for activity 911 with description 'Doing IT (incredible things)' which costs 0.01 and for activity 1066 'Battle of Hastings' costing 10.66.

    When the tasks above are complete issue following in the MySQL client console; grab a screen cap of results named MySQL.jpg (or other image format) that you attach to this assignment in D2L.

    system clear;
    use demoDB;
    describe Member;
    describe Activity;
    select * from Member;
    select * from Activity;