AIST3720 TechPrac03 Specs

  1. 25 pts - Operating Systems Q&A III

    Visit this course in D2L and complete Quiz03 (questions taken from Chapter 2. Operating System Structures from Operating System Concepts Essentials) by the due date / time for this assignment.

  2. (25 pts) Install web server & create a web page

    1. Windows Internet Information Services

      Ref: (Video) Basic IIS web server in Windows (note the video mentions AIST2330 and not AIST3720 but otherwise demonstrates the critical steps).

      Ref: (Document) Installing IIS on Windows Server

      Install IIS web server in your xxxxWS1 VM. Your features set should look like the video; beyond defaults we included Basic and Windows authentication for the IIS installation.

      Use NotePad (or other tool) to create an html page named AIST3720Home.html which welcomes visitors to the web site; the welcome should include your name in the page and include a link to our course site at Adjust settings so that this page comes up automatically if someone visits your VM's root website without identifying a specific file.

      Using the browser on the VM get a screen cap of the the landing page http://localhost (including the URL) in an image file named WSWeb.jpg.

      Copy the AIST3720Home.html to AIST3720HomeWS.txt (this is so D2L will allow you to upload it) and attach AIST3720HomeWS.txt and WSWeb.jpg to this assignment D2L.

    2. Linux Apache

      Ref: (Video) Basic Apache web server in Linux (note the video mentions AIST2330 and not AIST3720 but otherwise demonstrates the critical steps)

      Ref: (Document) Install & configure Apache in Ubuntu

      Install Apache web server in your xxxxLS1 VM.

      Use nano editor (or other tool) to create an html page named AIST3720Home.html which welcomes visitors to the web site; the welcome should include your name in the page and include a link to our course site at Adjust settings so that this page comes up automatically if someone visits your VM's root website without identifying a specific file.

      Using the browser on the VM get a screen cap of the the landing page http://localhost (including the URL) in an image file named LSWeb.jpg.

      Copy the AIST3720Home.html to AIST3720HomeLS.txt (this is so D2L will allow you to upload it) and attach AIST3720HomeLS.txt and LSWeb.jpg to this assignment D2L.

  3. (25 pts) Scripting 'Newer School'

    Prereq: Install PowerShell Core and Visual Studio Code in your xxxxLS1 and xxxxWS1 VMs: Overview | Linux | Windows

    Ref: (Video) Intro to cross-platform scripting with PowerShell

    Ref: (PowerShell script as text file) TP03ps1.txt -- this is the Windows version; for Linux the HOMEPATH environment variable needs to be changed to HOME.

    1. Windows Version

      Using your xxxxWS1 VM install TP03ps1.txt as TP03.ps1 in your (admin login) home folder (not Documents). This script accepts one required parameter NewDir which is the name of the directory within Documents (of whichever user is running the script) to use for (re)creating a file named NewStuff.txt with some text. From your home folder execute the script using .\tp03 Dir4TP03 (in PowerShell) or pwsh tp03.ps1 Dir4TP03 (in command console) capturing the results in a screen cap named SNS1WS.jpg (or other image format).

      Based on the example script create a new PowerShell script TP03a.ps1 which accepts two required parameters: the first is the directory name as before and the second is the file name (instead of always NewFile.txt) to (re)create. From your own login in your home folder execute the script using .\tp03a Dir4TP03 Demo.txt (in PowerShell) or pwsh tp03a.ps1 Dir4TP03 Demo.txt (in command console) capturing the results in a screen cap named SNS2WS.jpg.

      Copy TP03a.ps1 to TP03aWin.txt (so it can be uploaded in D2L). Attach the two screen caps and TP03aWin.txt to this assignment in D2L.

    2. Linux Version

      Using your xxxxLS1 VM install TP03ps1.txt as TP03.ps1 in your (admin login) home folder (not Documents), changing the existing HOMEPATH environment variable to HOME. This script accepts one required parameter NewDir which is the name of the directory within Documents (of whichever user is running the script) to use for (re)creating a file named NewStuff.txt with some text. From your home folder, execute the script using ./TP03 Dir4TP03 (PowerShell) or pwsh TP03.ps1 Dir4TP03 (terminal) capturing the results in a screen cap named SNS1LS.jpg (or other image format).

      Based on the example script create a new PowerShell script TP03a.ps1 which accepts two parameters: the first is the directory name as before and the second is the file name (instead of always NewFile.txt) to (re)create. From your own login in your home folder execute the script using ./TP03a Dir4TP03 Demo.txt (PowerShell) or pwsh TP03a.ps1 Dir4TP03 Demo.txt (terminal) the results in a screen cap named SNS2LS.jpg.

      Copy TP03a.ps1 to TP03aLin.txt (so it can be uploaded in D2L). Attach the two screen caps and TP03aLin.txt to this assignment in D2L.

  4. (25 pts) - Create a .NET Core HelloWorld app

    Prereq: Install .NET Core (and Visual Studio Code if you haven't already) in your xxxxLS1 and xxxxWS1 VMs -- Overview | Ubuntu | Windows

    Ref: (Video) A first look at .NET Core

    Ref: (Tutorial) Get started with C# and Visual Studio Code

    Begin a Word document named NETCore.docx which will contain screen caps as identified in the instructions below.

    1. Linux Version Complete this task in your xxxxLS1 server

      Create the .Net Core C# application in the 'Enhance the app' section from (Tutorial) Get started with C# and Visual Studio Code. Add to the NETCore.docx document a screen cap of running the application within VS Code and another running the app in a PowerShell console from your home directory.

    2. Windows Version Complete this exercise in your xxxxWS1 server.

      Create the .Net Core C# application in the 'Enhance the app' section from (Tutorial) Get started with C# and Visual Studio Code. Add to the NETCore.docx document a screen cap of running the application within VS Code and another running the app in a PowerShell console from your home directory.

    Attach the completed NETCore.docx document to this assignment in D2L.

  5. (25 pts) - Simple Assembler with some OS 'flavor'

    Ref: (Links) Simple 8-bit Assembler Simulator | Convert To Uppercase (code) | Convert to Uppercase with OS 'flavor' (code)

    Ref: (Video) Discussion of case conversion application and a taste of OS management

    1. Using the Convert To Uppercase (code) in the Simple 8-bit Assembler Simulator change the intext: variable to your first and last name (or the first 20 characters if your name is longer) then assemble and run the program. You should have a 'normal' termination; grab a screen cap which shows your intext, the resulting output and the termination line. Save this as NormTerm.jpg (or other image format). [For Example]
    2. Using the same starting assembler code with your first and last name as the intext: value, 'comment out' the line after intext: where the string terminator is added by placing a semi-colon at the start of that line. This should cause the program to miss the end of the intext: string and try to turn the rest of memory -- data and instructions -- to uppercase and eventually overflow the output buffer placing 'garbage' in memory from the top. So assemble and run the revised program -- it should eventually stop when the 0xFF constant which is part of the CMP instruction after the loopch: label is loaded as a string character. Get a screen cap of the revised code and output display you name BadTerm.jpg (or other image format) [For Example]
    3. Now, start with Convert to Uppercase with OS 'flavor' (code) and change the intext: variable as with step 1. This code makes an 'operating system' call to place characters in the output buffer and this OS utility will halt a program that tries to go outside the buffer. Assemble and run this noting a normal termination as before. No need to screen cap this. Then comment out the string terminator line as in step 2. When you assemble and run program it will still go past the end of the string but the OS will prevent writing to memory outside the output buffer, place an asterisk * in the first output character as a signal and then halt. Make a screen cap which includes the halt instruction and output buffer named ErrTerm.jpg (or other image format) [For Example]
    4. Adjust Convert To Uppercase (code) to a program which changes the intext: string to lower case instead of upper case saving ConvToLower.txt with the result. Hint: Adjust the convch: section to ADD the [lcuc] value to character's ASCII value in reg A when the character's ASCII value is between [ucA] and [ucZ].
    5. Adjust Convert to Uppercase with OS 'flavor' (code) to a program which puts asterisks in all characters of the output display (rather than just the first character) when the program halts due to an error. Use ConvToUpperStars.txt as the resulting file name.

    When complete attach NormTerm.jpg, BadTerm.jpg, ErrTerm.jpg, ConvToLower.txt and ConvToUpperStars.txt to this assignment in D2L.