AIST3720 TechPrac01 Specs

  1. 25 pts - Operating Systems Q&A I

    Visit this course in D2L and complete Quiz01 by the due date / time for this assignment. This quiz takes its questions from Chapter 1. Introduction from Operating System Concepts Essentials.

  2. 25 pts - Create a local Ubuntu Desktop VM

    Using guidance from class (or your own approach using, e.g., VirtualBox) create an Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS VM. Apply the (Guide) First steps with a Linux server including making the internal computer name (i.e., host name) xxxxLS1 where xxxx is the first four characters of your Augusta University JagNetID (e.g., my computer will be named tschLS1); the LS1 is short for Linux Server 1.

    When your setup & configuration have been completed, open a terminal on your Ubuntu Desktop VM and issue the commands (substituting your hostname for xxxxLS1 in the ping command).

    ping xxxxLS1 -c 2
    lsb_release -a

    Create a screen capture of the terminal window, naming the image MyLS1.jpg (or other image format) [example]. Attach the screen cap to this assignment in D2L.

  3. 25 pts - Create a local Windows Server VM

    Using guidance from class (or your own approach using, e.g., VirtualBox) create a Windows Server 2022 VM. Apply the (Guide) First steps with a Windows server including naming the computer xxxxWS1 where xxxx is the first four characters of your Augusta University login (e.g., my computer will be named tschWS1); the WS1 is short for Windows Server 1.

    When your setup & configuration have been completed, open a Windows PowerShell session and issue the commands (changing the xxxxWS1 to your hostname)

    ping xxxxWS1 -n 2
    systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"

    Create a screen capture of the PowerShell window naming the image MyWS1.jpg (or other image format). Attach the screen cap to this assignment in D2L.

  4. 25 pts - Work with the file system

    Ref: (Video) Server shell tidbits.

    1. Windows Version

      Do this exercise in your local Windows Server VM xxxxWS1. Using either the command line or Windows PowerShell to perform the following file oriented tasks. Place the screen caps and the command list in a Word document you name WinFS.docx.

      1. Move to your login's Documents folder (from any current working directory)
      2. Create a directory named AIST3720 (within your Documents folder)
      3. Create a file named MyStuff.txt in the AIST3720 directory.  The file should contain the line “This is {your name}'s stuff” where you replace {your name} with your name (so my version would say "This is Todd Schultz's stuff".
      4. Copy MyStuff.txt to another file YourStuff.txt in the AIST3720 directory
      5. Rename YourStuff.txt to MyOtherStuff.txt in the AIST3720 directory
      6. Move into the AIST3720 directory
      7. Show the contents of MyOtherStuff.txt on the screen; add a screen cap of this to WinFS.docx
      8. “Remember” the path to the current directory & move to the root folder
      9. Show all files and directories available in the root folder; add a screen cap of this to WinFS.docx
      10. Return to the remembered directory
      11. Show all the files and directories available in the parent of the AIST3720 directory; add a screen cap of this to WinFS.docx

      Below the screen caps in WinFS.docx list the commands, 1 through 11, one per line, you used to complete each of the tasks above. Attach WinFS.docx to this assignment in D2L.

    2. Linux Version

      Do this exercise in your local Linux Server VM xxxxLS1. Use the Linux terminal perform the following file oriented tasks. Place the screen caps and the command list in a Word document you name LinFS.docx.

      1. Move to your login's Documents folder (from any current working directory)
      2. Create a directory named AIST3720 (within your Documents folder)
      3. Create a file named MyStuff.txt in the AIST3720 directory.  The file should contain the line “This is {your name}'s stuff” where you replace {your name} with your name (so my version would say "This is Todd Schultz's stuff".
      4. Copy MyStuff.txt to another file YourStuff.txt in the AIST3720 directory
      5. Rename YourStuff.txt to MyOtherStuff.txt in the AIST3720 directory
      6. Move into the AIST3720 directory
      7. Show the contents of MyOtherStuff.txt on the screen; add a screen cap of this to LinFS.docx
      8. “Remember” the path to the current directory & move to the root folder
      9. Show all files and directories available in the root folder; add a screen cap of this to LinFS.docx
      10. Return to the remembered directory
      11. Show all the files and directories available in the parent of the AIST3720 directory; add a screen cap of this to LinFS.docx

      Below the screen caps in LinFS.docx list the commands, 1 through 11, one per line, you used to complete each of the tasks above. Attach LinFS.docx to this assignment in D2L.

  5. (25 pts) Create server users 'by hand'

    Ref: (Guide) Adding Users

    1. Windows Server without Active Directory

      In your xxxxWS1 VM establish a new user (using the GUI is fine or use a shell command-line instead) named Test User with login tuser and Pw4AIST3720! as password. While logged in as Test User use the command line or PowerShell to issue the commands hostname and whoami making a screen capture of the session in an image file named WS1User.jpg (or other image format).

    2. Ubuntu Server

      In your xxxxLS1 VM establish a new user (using the GUI is fine or use a shell command-line instead) named Test User with login tuser and Pw4AIST3720! as password. While logged in as Test User use the command line to issue the commands hostname and whoami making a screen capture of the session in an image file named LS1User.jpg (or other image format).

    Attach the two screen caps to this assignment in D2L.