AIST2220 TechPrac00 Specs

  1. 25 pts - First Web Page

    Ref: (Video) HTML Pages Quick Start

    Develop an html web page named AboutMe.htm which contains some information about you (details below). The page's html should conform to the standard of including !DOCTYPE, html, head, title, and body tags and follow a well-sructured format (e.g., use VSCode's reformat or similar). Include an html comment at the top indicating the html's author -- which should be you, natch -- and the date you began developing the page and make the page's title 'About Me' or 'My Bio' or similar.

    The page should contain two different levels of header, using the larger for your name and the smaller for the phrase 'A Little About Me' (or similar). Include a paragraph of 3 to 5 sentences with a brief bio: where you're from, major, interests, and another paragraph describing your familiarity with html, css and scripting (little or no knowledge is fine).

    In the page, find a way to use an html quotation -- either <blockquote> or <q> -- and two different colors besides the default black-on-white (either background or foreground text colors).

    Deploy the AboutMe.htm to the root folder of your AIST 2220 web site on the remote VM (which should be accessible on the internet via https://{ from a browser, where {JagNetID} is your AU email before the @ sign. I can validate your work in the server so nothing need be uploaded to D2L.

  2. 25 pts - A Document Page

    Ref: (Video) HTML Pages Quick Start

    Develop an html web page HTMLBibleCh01.htm containing a synopsis of x (details below) and which follows our general standards for html pages, including a comment with author and start date and a page title 'HTML Bible Ch01'.

    Use two levels of heading, the first, larger for 'HTML Bible Chapter 1 Synopsis' and the second, smaller for 'by {Your Name}' (but use your actual name instead of {Your Name}).

    Use three paragraphs of at least 3 sentences each. In the first, summarize what the chapter was about. In a second paragraph, highlight something you learned or found interesting from the chapter. In the third, describe something that was a little confusing, may have been missing or left you with a question from the chapter. In the first paragraph use the <cite> tag to identify HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible, 5th Edition as your source, and somewhere in the write up find a way to use the <abbr> tag.

    Deploy the HTMLBibleCh01.htm file to the a folder you create and name Synopses in the root of your AIST 2220 web site on the remote VM; the document should be accessible on the internet via https://{ from a browser. I can validate your work in the server so nothing need be uploaded to D2L.