AIST2220 TechPrac08 Specs

  1. 35 pts - Using Favicon

    Ref: w3schools HTML Favicon Tutorial

    Ref: (Video) A quick look at HTML favicons

    1. Using the icon at (looks like a tiny printed page) for the href attribute, establish this as the favicon in all six of your synopses HTML file deployed to the Synopses folder of your course web site.
    2. Use the IONOS Favicon Generator (or other tool) to generate a favicon to 'brand' your site's HTML files (other than the synopses); it can be something you draw, your initials, an image (though since a favicon is small, the image should be small & high contrast). Install the icon in your web site (images folder is recommended) and establish this as the favicon for the main HTML files in your website's root folder (e.g., at a minimum, AboutMe.htm, CodeDemo.htm, DataTable.htm, SynopsesIndex.htm).
    3. Choose one of your navigation HTML files (from TechPrac06) as your site's landing page (formerly, AboutMe.htm) and be sure this file gets the favicon created in the previous step. Also, adjust IIS properties so that a visitor to your web site's root (i.e., https://{JagNetID} where {JagNetID} is your remote desktop login ID) is served this navigation page.

    This can be evaluated on the server so nothing to upload to D2L.

  2. 90 pts - HTML Ideas Document

    Using (strongly recommended) this example HTML Ideas as a starting point (i.e., copy the HTML source into a new HTML document of your own), create and deploy to your course web site a file named HTMLIdeas.htm which capsulizes six different aspects of HTML coding. For instance, the example provides a description of the <p></p> element which you can retain in your copy if you want. Your completed file should present six different ideas (five more if you keep the paragraph element) with a short description of how it works and a brief example of what the code looks like in the rendered HTML(so you have to write HTML code that looks like HTML code when it's rendered). The example provides a 'for instance' of the expected depth and length of the capsules; nothing dramatic but it is a good final exercise in HTML coding. This can be evaluated on the server so nothing to upload to D2L.