35 pts - Using Favicon
Ref: w3schools HTML Favicon Tutorial
Ref: (Video) A quick look at HTML favicons
This can be evaluated on the server so nothing to upload to D2L.
90 pts - HTML Ideas Document
Using (strongly recommended) this example HTML Ideas as a starting point (i.e., copy the HTML source into a new HTML document of your own), create and deploy to your course web site a file named HTMLIdeas.htm which capsulizes six different aspects of HTML coding. For instance, the example provides a description of the <p></p> element which you can retain in your copy if you want. Your completed file should present six different ideas (five more if you keep the paragraph element) with a short description of how it works and a brief example of what the code looks like in the rendered HTML(so you have to write HTML code that looks like HTML code when it's rendered). The example provides a 'for instance' of the expected depth and length of the capsules; nothing dramatic but it is a good final exercise in HTML coding. This can be evaluated on the server so nothing to upload to D2L.