AIST2220 TechPrac04 Specs

  1. 25 pts - CSS Exercises Practice

    In a browser on the course remote desktop (use Edge, Chrome or Firefox by double-clicking a desktop icon, don't use IE from the task bar), visit the W3Schools CSS Exercises, click Start CSS Exercises and complete the 51 exercises for the first 13 topics CSS Selectors through CSS Lists. When you finish -- and do the exercises as many times as you like, earning 1/2 point rounded up for each of the first 51 exercises completed -- open a command window (use Start | cmd {Enter}) and issue the commands date /t and whoami in the terminal. Then window your quiz result next to the command window and take a screen cap of the result [For Example] (this shows two exercises completed which would earn 1 point). Save the image file as CSSExers.jpg (or other image format) and upload it to this assignment in D2L.

  2. 50 pts - Basics of CSS for a web site

    Ref: (Video) CSS Primer

    In your course web site root, create a folder named styles which will hold our site's cascading style sheet (CSS) definitions. In that folder create a file synopses.css which has the styles that will be applied to our individual synopsis HTML files. Update each synopsis HTML file so it includes a <section> element with id="mainsection" that surrounds your current paragraphs but includes an <h4> title Chapter Summary above the paragraphs; also add a class="leadparagraph" attribute to your first paragraph's <p> element. Add a paragraph below the section end tag </section> with the HTML

    <p>This synopsis was developed as part of my course work for <cite>AIST 2220 Introduction to Web Development</cite> at Augusta University in the Spring 2024 term.</p>

    Remove any inline or internal style elements or attributes in each synopsis, having each synopsis refer only to the external styles/synopses.css file you develop using a <link> tag in your each synopsis <head> element. You can visit (and review its source) for an example of the structure for your revised synopsis HTML files.

    Add styles as needed to /styles/synopses.css -- including an id selector #mainsection and a class selector .leadparagraph within #mainsection -- so that the following requirements are met (e.g., see this example)

    1. All body elements are centered on the page with some white space to either side and paragraph text remains left justified (same format we have been using)
    2. Any citations are normal text (not italic) and underlined.
    3. All headings are centered on the page.
    4. Any anchor tags (i.e., link text) have a dark background with light text and has 5px padding all around to make the link look like a box.
    5. The <section> with id="mainsection"
      1. Has a solid black border with a light but not-white background and 10px padding all around so text doesn't run all the way to the border
      2. Paragraphs in the <section> (but not elsewhere in the document) are indented 15px and have a 12pt sans-serif font except the lead (i.e., first) paragraph with class="leadparagraph" which is left justified and in bold face.

    Be sure your synopses HTML files still pass validation (Note: If you have completed item III below then you will need to temporarily enable anonymous web access to use the validator; just remember to disable it when done). This task can be evaluated by looking at your deployed web site, so nothing be uploaded to D2L for this task.

  3. 25 pts - Basic Server Authentication

    Ref: (Video) Setting up Basic (Windows) Authentication using IIS

    Use Basic (Windows) Authentication on your web site's Synopses directory so that any web user who tries to access any of your individual synopsis files will be challenged to provide a Windows login and password. In addition to your login and the Administrators group, only users from the AIST2220Subs group should be able to view any of your synopses (though anyone can still visit your SynopsesIndex.htm and other resources in your web site root). When testing, it is best to open a new InPrivate or Incognito in your browser to be sure any lingering credentials in your browser session don't interfere with the authentication. For testing purposes there are two users -- subs1 and subs2 -- who are in the AIST2220Subs group and should be allowed to access your synopses and a user xsubs1 who cannot; the password Pw0rd! has been set for all these users.

    This can be evaluated by looking at your deployed web site, so nothing be uploaded to D2L for this task.

  4. 25 pts - Spring Pause Freebie

    Spring Pause | Duffy, Lewis County, West Virginia | Denise Powers ...

    Enjoy your Spring Pause -- 25 points will be posted in D2L.