AIST2220 TechPrac01 Specs

Note: For this assignment, all use of CSS (e.g., styles) should be inline (i.e., using the style attribute inside HTML elements). No need to establish a <style> element in the <head> section or use a <link> to an external CSS file.

  1. 60 pts - Chapter Synopses

    Ref: (Video) Week 1 Review

    Develop synopses for chapters 2 thru 6 from HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible, 5th Edition, following layout (two levels of heading) and content guidelines (three paragraph format with specific content) from TechPrac00 Item II; continue to include a <cite> tag for your referenced textbook but no requirement to include an <abbr> tag (but use it if you do include a new abbreviation). Name your documents using the convention established in TP00 (i.e., HTMLBibleChapternn.htm -- where nn is the chapter number with a leading zero for chapters 1 thru 9) and deploying them in the Synopses folder within your AIST 2220 web site.

    Note: Adjust the html (including that for your Chapter 1 synopsis) so that the entire html body is centered on the page (the text within paragraphs should not be centered within the body but left-aligned which is default) and the headings are centered over the body. Something like this example [LINK] except the 2nd paragraph in the example shows paragraph text centering we don't want,

    As always, include a comment with author and start date in your html and be sure it has been reformatted and validated. I can check your work in the server so nothing need be uploaded to D2L.

  2. 35 pts - Chapter Synopses Index

    Ref: (Video) Week 1 Review

    Rereq: Completing item I above should precede working on this assignment task.

    Develop and deploy to the root of your AIST 220 website on the course VM an HTML file SynopsesIndex.htm which provides an index with links to all the HTML Bible chapter synopses developed so for. Use a centered layout and include appropriate centered headings including an identification of the reference for the synopses (i.e., the HTML Bible) which has a link to this text in O'Reilly. For the synopses, use a list (<ol> recommended but <ul> is ok) but with a list-style-type that isn't sequential numbers or letters (e.g., squares or circles or none since our item text will include the chapter number of each synopsis). Each item should show the chapter number and name, and clicking on it should take the web page user to the chapter synopsis. Something like

    Chapter 1 - What is a Markup Language?

    Adjust each synopsis's HTML so centered beneath the second title there is a 'Return to index' message (or similar) which links back to the index page.

    As always, include a comment with author and start date in your html and be sure it has been reformatted and validated. I can check your work in the server so nothing need be uploaded to D2L.

  3. 30 pts - HTML Images Quick Start

    Ref: (Video) Images 101: Obtaining, placing, embedding and sizing

    Find five digital images with at least two being image files you place in a folder named images within your AIST 2220 web site on the course VM and with at least two being URL references somewhere in the world wide web. At the bottom of your AboutMe.htm page add a header 'Interesting Images' and below that provide thumbnails for the images side-by-side where each thumbnail is the same relatively small (e.g., 100 to 200px) size and there's a bit of white space between the images. When a web page visitor clicks on an image, the full sized image should open in a new browser window.

    As always, include a comment with author and start date in your html and be sure it has been reformatted and validated. I can check your work in the server so nothing need be uploaded to D2L.